
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Flash pictures... 

A few people have commented that the pictures below make it look like the lights were on, but it was after sunset when we were there, and there is no electricity on the upper floors except for "Exit" signs installed for safety. The flash I used on my camera definitely brightened up the rooms for a brief moment!

Also, if anyone is familiar enough with Waverly to know exactly where each picture was taken inside the building, please help me out with captions. I didn't take good mental notes when I snapped the pictures.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

My Waverly adventure... 

The pictures below were taken by me, the evening of July 9th, with my Nikon FE2 35mm camera, using 800 speed film, a wide angle 35 mm focal length lens, an f stop of 5.6, and a flash with a guide number of 120. The flash makes it look like daylight inside; but it was past dusk, and the outside pictures reveal that.

For the full-size picture, click on the image; and please feel free to email me with questions or comments at Gordon M. Lowe

A few pictures from inside Waverly...

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